03 Jan 2022

Blog #390-The Shinyribs at Summerfest 9-4-2021

January 10, 2022

Happy New Year to all and best wishes for a great ahead!  I hope you like this blog on the Shinyribs! If you've never heard of them listen to them on iTunes, Spotify or something else. You won't regret it!

The Shinyribs are from Austin, Texas and are led by Kevin Russell who is a show in himself. He is the leader for sure and has a lot of fun with his large band and multiple singers.

My Rich Zimmermann Photography calendar for 2022 has the Shinyribs on the cover. Hope you got one of my calendars!

The show on September 4, 2021 at Summerfest was so good, I stayed for the whole thing.

Try to see Kevin and his band the Shinyribs whenever you can.  It's a fun show and you will enjoy it.

Here are some photos from that night.


Rich Zimmermann


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