19 Oct 2013

Blog #83-Al Kooper and The Blue Lotus Farm Benefit!

October 21, 2013

My blog today has some special meaning to it. On Saturday, October 26 at the Miramar Theater here in Milwaukee, there is going to be a benefit for the Blue Lotus Farm and Retreat Center.

Fred Bliffert who is a longtime friend of mine, is putting together this charity event along with Jim Liban and the legendary Al Kooper.

Please come join us at the Miramar Theater at 8:30 to 11:30 for a great time with some awesome musicians.

Attached are photographs of Al Kooper when he played at Humpin Hanna's on December 29, 1972.

Fred Bliffert and Jim Liban are legends and Al Kooper has some great history with The Rolling Stones, Lynyrd Skynyrd and of course Blood Sweat and Tears.

One of my favorite things about Al Kooper is that he plays french horn, organ and piano on "You Can't Always Get What You Want" by the Rolling Stones on the "Let It Bleed" album!

Please come join us and have a great week.


Rich Zimmermann


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