15 Mar 2015

Blog #156-Carl Palmer of Emerson, Lake and Palmer-1975

March 16, 2015

Recently, I discovered a few sleeves of negatives in the closet that I didn't know existed! This blog is about one of those negative sleeves.

Carl Palmer, of Emerson, Lake and Palmer, had one of those massive drum kits, long before anyone else. Tiny little cymbals, and all kinds of percussion toys surround him. It's a very impressive drum set and he used everything, from what I recall.

Also, you can see that the band had an orchestra with them, including a conductor!

About a month ago, I was contacted by a school teacher on the east coast about blog number 125. That blog was about Emerson, Lake and Palmer in 1973.

This school teacher told me about how nice Carl Palmer, the drummer, was and that he visited their school and chatted with the class. So, even though I only have four photos here, I send this blog out to him and his class. Hope you guys enjoy a better look at Carl Palmer's drum kit.

Have a nice week everyone and Spring is coming. It's supposed to be 71F here in Milwaukee today.


Rich Zimmermann



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