08 Aug 2015

Blog #177-Leo Kottke 1973

August 9, 2015

Last week, I forgot to wish happy birthday to my friend Ramblin' Jack Elliott who turned 84 on August 1st! I gave all the birthday attention to Buddy Guy last week, who turned a young 79 years old. Both of them have such an amazing history in music!

This week's blog is on 12 string guitar master Leo Kottke. He will be performing this coming Saturday night about a mile from our house here in Brookfield, Wisconsin at the Sharon Lynn Wilson Center for the Arts. Come check him out and you won't be disappointed. He is such an amazing guitar player and he has a great voice to go with it.

Some of the photos here are from an interview that I was a part of in 1973. Leo was just relaxing before his show at the Performing Arts Center in Milwaukee when we asked him a few questions for the Bugle American newspaper that I worked for. He was very nice and just reading the paper when we came in.

I have to say that the first photo of Leo and the mirrors is one of my personal all time favorites.

So, for today's photos, enjoy three pictures of Ramblin' Jack and then some of Leo, from the 1973 interview and show.

Have a great week!


Rich Zimmermann

ramblin jack elliott 1972Ramblin Jack Elliott 2014 1Ramblin Jack Elliott 2014 11Leo Kottke 1973 1Leo Kottke 1973 3Leo Kottke 1973 4Leo Kottke 1973 5Leo Kottke 1973 6Leo Kottke 1973 7Leo Kottke 1973 8Leo Kottke 1973 9Leo Kottke 1973 10Leo Kottke 1973 11


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