24 Jan 2016

Blog #200-The Serendipity Singers 1972

January 25, 2016

Wow, it's blog #200!!!! That's a lot and I haven't repeated one yet!  Goal accomplished.

Anyway, this week's blog is about one of my first paying photo jobs.  It was the day that the Serendipity Singers came to the Dave Kennedy Recording Studios in Milwaukee on June 7, 1972.

More cowbell please. We hear that a lot these days. However, on this day it was more kazoo please! They spent a lot of time working on a kazoo riff and vocals. The only instruments they had that day were kazoos.  There were no other instruments.

As to who is who in these photos, I haven't a clue.  This group changed members so frequently through the years.  They have been around for a long time and they are still going today.

My job that day was interesting.  I borrowed another camera from my boss at Camera Corner to have as a backup.  I used it with a different lens so I had another camera ready to go.  Well, it was really ready to go because I set it down on a couch by the reception area and when I came back two minutes later it was gone!!  Someone stole it and of course it had the film in it with the shots I had just taken.   My boss at Camera Corner, Jon Dunar, was really nice about it and he didn't even fire me!

Enjoy a look at the film that didn't get stolen from the one camera that didn't get stolen.

Have a good week and if you know anything about who is who in these photographs, let me know please.


Rich Zimmermann

Serendipity Singers 1Serendipity Singers 2Serendipity Singers 3Serendipity Singers 4Serendipity Singers 5Serendipity Singers 6Serendipity Singers 7Serendipity Singers 8Serendipity Singers 9Serendipity Singers 10Serendipity Singers 11Serendipity Singers 12Serendipity Singers 13Serendipity Singers 14Serendipity Singers 15Serendipity Singers 16Serendipity Singers 18Serendipity Singers 19Serendipity Singers 20Serendipity Singers 21Serendipity Singers 23Serendipity Singers 24Serendipity Singers 25Serendipity Singers 26

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