09 Apr 2017

Blog #261-Elvin Bishop Group 1977-Summerfest

April 10, 2017

On Sunday night April 9th here in Milwaukee, the Elvin Bishop Group and Marshall Tucker bands were doing a show. Wish I could have made it because they are both awesome bands! Too much going on right now.

So, we look back at a show that Elvin Bishop did at Summerfest in 1977. This was when Mickey Thomas was in his band before he went on to Jefferson Starship.

Elvin at this time had two great hits, Travelin' Shoes and Fooled Around and Fell In Love. Mickey Thomas who did the vocals on Fooled Around and Feel In Love that made him famous.

I just heard a story about Elvin's Gibson ES-345 that he has played for years. During his days in the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Louis Meyer traded this Gibson for a Fender Telecaster that Elvin was playing. Elvin has played the Gibson ever since!

Enjoy a look at Elvin doing a daytime show and a few beer barrels from Summerfest! I like the photos of Elvin getting out of the limo with a Schlitz and the one of him sleeping backstage. They had just flown in from Hawaii and were a bit tired.


Rich Zimmermann

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