31 Mar 2019

Blog #319-Shortstuff-1-8-1972

April 1, 2019

I'm a "Happy Boy"!! If you have never heard that tune, please Goggle or use You Tube to watch "Happy Boy" and The Beat Farmers. Listen to this old fun tune!! Miss you Dick Montana.

I am a happy boy because two of my photos of Roxy Music from 1975 were used in the induction ceremony for the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame last Friday night! Hopefully the photos will make it to the broadcast of the show on April 27th on HBO and you can see them. Love the clear electric violin of Eddie Jobson. Otherwise, just go to my website, Rock Category and find Roxy Music for all the photos.

Anyway, this blog is about my old friends and local band here in Milwaukee, Shortstuff. I am going to try to do some more blogs on the local bands that inspired me a lot in the 1970's. Shortstuff was one of those bands with the great Junior Brantley and Jim Liban. The lineup changed a bit through the years and this version was a favorite.

These pictures are from a show on 1-8-1972 at my high school in Whitefish Bay in the field house/gym when I was 17!

Check out the guys.

Have a great week.


Rich Zimmermann

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