16 Nov 2013

Blog #87-Familiar Looking Strangers

November 18, 2013

Last Friday night I photographed one of the hottest new bands around. They are a group of English guys who have actually become good friends. They are The Familiar Looking Strangers. You need to check them out.

They are here from Liverpool, England. They arrived here this summer to make an album here in Milwaukee. They are managed by K Nation Entertainment located in Grafton, WI.

The album is pretty much done. A tour with the band Hawkwind is planned in March of 2014 to promote it.

On Friday night they played a show for Milwaukee fans at Shank Hall. They will then travel to Marquette, Michigan and Madison, Wisconsin for a couple more shows before they head back home to England for the holidays.

With Vinny leading the band with his great vocals the boys had a terrific show. Paul's slide guitar was great and Ben's drumming makes me think of when I saw Jon Bonham play with Led Zeppelin. He plays hard!

Jon's bass didn't miss a beat and Carlos, the quiet guitar player in the corner kicked ass!!

Thank you K Nation Entertainment for introducing these awesome musicians to us.

Enjoy some photos from Friday night and check them out next time they come to town.

Join me on Facebook at Rich Zimmermann Photography and I'll keep you up to date on the men next time they come around.


Rich Zimmermann


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