22 Mar 2014

Blog #105-Mahavishnu Orchestra 1972

March 24, 2014

At Summerfest in 1972, the Mahavishnu Orchestra with John McLaughlin in charge put on a wonderful show.

There are not many acts that come to Summerfest without vocals or a vocalist. This is one such band! No need for a singer when all your compositions are this beautiful!

The 1972 version of this band was it's best for many reasons, but mostly because of Billy Cobham who played drums. Billy is one of the best drummers in the world. Jan Hammer on keyboards is terrific too.

John McLaughlin and his Gibson EDS-1275 double neck SG guitar pictured here produce some amazing sounds!

Enjoy some photographs of the men at work on a nice summer day in 1972.

Please join me on Facebook at Rich Zimmermann Photography if you have not already.


Rich Zimmermann



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