30 Mar 2014

Blog #106 Juan Pablo Montoya

March 31, 2014

To all of my rock'n'roll friends, we need to take a break from my rock blogs please! The Indy car season starts today as I am writing this blog on Sunday afternoon!

Juan Pablo Montoya, raced Indy cars a while back when the cars looked and sounded a lot better.

In the attached photos you will see that he was driving for Target and Chip Ganassi Racing in 1999 and 2000. He won the championship, many races and the Indy 500. Then he went to Formula 1. After that, he came back to the States and tried Nascar. He didn't do as well as he did in an open wheel car.

Thankfully, he has come back to Indy cars and team Penske, which is Target Racing and Chip Ganassi Racing's rival! He is older, wiser and a married man with kids now.

I wish him the best of luck. He will help to make the season exciting!

Time for me to go watch the race and I hope Juan Pablo does well.

Please join me on Facebook at Rich Zimmermann Photography to keep in touch with some nice rock'n'roll and racing photography.

Have a great week.

Rich Zimmermann


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