26 Jan 2014

Blog #97-Rolling Stones 1975

January 27, 2014

Brrrr! It's a nice -7F here in Milwaukee today with 30 mph winds!

So, today we look at a warm sunny day in Milwaukee. This blog is about the Rolling Stones show at Milwaukee County Stadium on June 8, 1975.

Chaka Kahn and the Eagles opened up the show for the Stones.

I was hired by the promoter to photograph and document the baseball field before and after the show for damage! Plywood was layed down for the sound mix guys in the center of the field and for all forklift actions. The field wasn't harmed, amazingly!

So enjoy a look at a nice summer day with the Stones and friends.

Stay warm and join us on facebook at Rich Zimmermann Photography.


Rich Zimmermann


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