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February 24, 2020
Lifetime Achievement Grammy Awards will be presented to Isaac Hayes and John Prine soon with a television ceremony in April.
This blog looks at Isaac Hayes when he played Summerfest in 1973. I remember it as a very hot and humid night with Isaac having a lot of fun.
Isaac continued his music career for many years with the theme song that he wrote and performed for the movie "Shaft" and then became the voice of Chef on "South Park".
Check out that hot night in July of 1973 with Isaac playing keyboards and saxophone and singing away!
He was a legend!
Rich Zimmermann
February 10, 2020
I have done blogs on Dan Fogelberg and Tim Weisberg before but I want to revisit these musicians because of some photos I found recently.
Also, because I am still surprised that Dan Fogelberg is not in the Hall of Fame. Dan needs to be in there for many reasons.
These photos are from two different tours that Dan did. In January 1976 Dan Fogelberg came to Milwaukee. He was the leader of the band as it is famously said and had a pedal steel guitar player, a drummer and three other guitar players.
It was a wonderful night of his classic music and yet he can really rock it!! One minute he would be just sitting on a stool alone and then he'd be with his band sitting on stools with acoustic guitars, the pedal steel guitar and a drummer.
A little break and the electric guitars came out and it became a rock show!
Then in December 1977 he toured with Tim Weisberg, a very talented flute player among other instruments. Just the two of them were playing. We all sat on the floor and watched in amazement! I don't think my knees could do that anymore!!
Dan and Tim were best friends and you could tell by how much fun they were having. I sold Tim Weisberg my photos of him and Dan a few years back for his website and Facebook page so check those out. Tim Weisberg is still in California playing a bit which is great.
Also check out the Facebook page titled "Induct Dan Fogelberg in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame". Some people are trying hard to get Dan in to the Hall of Fame. He was such a very talented musician. Dan passed way too early of cancer at age 56 in 2007.
Enjoy the photos.
Rich Zimmermann
Here is a collection of Dan Fogelberg and Tim Weisberg during two separate shows a couple years apart. Dan and his band in January of 1976 and with Tim Weisberg in December 1977.
Dan should be in the Hall of Fame and I still can't believe he isn't!
January 27, 2020
One night way back in 1975 I witnessed some of the greatest Rock and Roll I have ever seen! This trio called Rush was amazing.
Neil Peart is still one of the best drummers I've ever seen and he has been voted by some people as the greatest drummer of all time. His drum set grew bigger every time I saw them!
Inspired by Keith Moon I would say because of the way he played, but not as crazy of a guy!
Neil Peart died a few weeks ago when a brain tumor took him from us. He was only 67 years old, too young for this legend to die.
Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson, his band mates, haven't played in a few years. I suspect that is probably because that was when Neil said he was going to focus on his medical treatment for his brain tumor.
Prayers to Neil, his family and to the Rush family.
Enjoy a look back at 1975.
Rich Zimmermann
January 12, 2020
Happy New Year everyone and may you all have a great, successful new year!
I've spent the past week fixing up some old photographs in Photoshop of the Doobie Brothers at Summerfest in 1973. Black and white film does not scan without a lot of issues to fix. Color is a lot easier!
Check out the guys here way back in 1973 in Milwaukee at Summerfest. It was a different time back then as you will be able to see. There is some barbed wire in front of the stage! Because of some issues at Summerfest in 1972, barbed wire was installed in front of the main stage!
The Doobie Brothers are still touring and are one of the nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Always enjoyed the music of the band. Check them out from a few years back.
Rich Zimmermann
December 30, 2019
Hope everyone is having a nice holiday season with family and friends!
While cleaning up the photo closet lately, I came across some forgotten film and movies.
Here we have part of that find with a few photos of a show at Milwaukee's Performing Arts Center in 1978 with Steve Forbert and Kenny Loggins.
Always have loved them both!
Check out a few photos and have a Happy New Year!
Just an added discovery that our great Milwaukee local promoter Peter Jest and Shank Hall are bring Steve Forbert to town January 11th!!!! Come on down for a great show.
Rich Zimmermann
December 16, 2019
I was reminded a little while ago that Frank Zappa passed away on December 4, 1993 at the age of 52. It's sad to have lost the legend at such a young age from prostrate cancer.
It made me remember that I had some photos of Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention from 1973 when I had the pleasure of being part of an interview for the Bugle American newspaper. Those would be the black and white photos here with a few from the show that night.
I also found some color images and a Super 8mm movie from the show at the Milwaukee Arena on 1971!!
That interview with Frank Zappa was really interesting. He was one of the brightest people I've met. He talked about politics, world events and music all while chain smoking cigarettes and sipping coffee.
Recently, we watched a movie about Frank and he says, "It's abnormal for a musician to be interviewed" but it really was a great interview that day.
Enjoy a look at Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention.
Rich Zimmermann