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October 7, 2019
On October 5, 2019, my old friends Pure Prairie League came to Milwaukee. For the second time I have had to miss their show because of prior commitments!! This is a great band with a lot of wonderful history.
The show in the pictures here was on December 1, 1972 when I was a senior in high school and working with the Bugle American newspaper as a music photographer. They played in Milwaukee at the Performing Arts Center which is still my favorite venue in Milwaukee.
Ben Sidren opened the show followed by Pure Prairie League, with John Prine being the headliner act.
This was way before Vince Gill came and left the band. That will be a separate blog someday soon.
Enjoy a look at the guys in 1972.
Rich Zimmermann
February 18, 2019
I first met Linda Ronstadt in a locker room/dressing room in 1972 when I was 17 years old! I then took one of my favorite photographs ever! That black and white photo is with Ramblin' Jack Elliott listening to her warm up before she went on stage.
I've been working on some photos of Linda Ronstadt from 1972 and 1980 lately for something coming up!
Other than that picture, these are photos from 1980 in Madison, Wisconsin.
Always have loved Linda's talented voice. She has sung just about every type of music I believe other than opera in her long career.
Not sure on the band here but I think the main guitar player is Danny Kortchmar. Any help in identifying the band would be appreciated.
Enjoy the photos.
Rich Zimmermann
December 25, 2017
Merry Christmas!
Got to photograph and listen to my old friend ,Fred Dobrinski ,with his new version of the band Heartsfield. They actually have been around a few years but I haven't been able to see them.
They all played close enough to our neighborhood to go see on December 9th in Racine, Wisconsin at George's Tavern.
Heartsfield has had a few versions since the original group in 1975 when I first saw them.
Great to hear all those wonderful songs again and Freddie's wonderful voice. Check them out when the are in your neighborhood.
Enjoy a look at the guys.
Rich Zimmermann
March 20, 2017
This week's blog is about my good friends, Heartsfield. I found some more negatives in the closet as we continue to clean.
These photos I believe are from the club called Teddy's in Milwaukee. Not positive on that so any confirmation on where this is would be appreciated.
One of the photos shows Paul Green, an old dj from the WQFM days here in Milwaukee. Curious where he is now. Great beard he has here!
Heartsfield had several albums and continues today with Fred Dobrinski from the original band.
Enjoy a look at the old days of Heartsfield.
Rich Zimmermann
Blog #256-Marshall Tucker Band and Willie Nelson at Summerfest in 1978
March 6, 2017
Last week we looked at the Marshall Tucker Band in 1975. This week we have a few photos of them with Willie Nelson at Summerfest on July 3, 1978.
There are more photos of their trucks and buses than the band because we weren't allowed to shoot that night!
I got a few shots from the edge of the stage and the crew tour bus backstage. Love the logo of "the road crew the chosen few".
Enjoy! Next week we will look at pictures of John Oates that I shot last week.
Rich Zimmermann
November 11, 2013
On July 20, 1972, Charlie Pride and his band came to Milwaukee's Summerfest for a show.
Charlie and his band were having a successful tour with his 1971 hit "Kiss an Angel Good Mornin". It was his biggest hit but he did have 30 others on the Billboard charts.
The photos of his band here are interesting and fun to look at! Anybody know who the steel guitar player is???
I know that Charlie loved baseball and tried to be a pitcher with the Yankees in 1953. He lost the magic on his fastball and the Yankees sent him to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin to play in their Class D team! Never knew that!
Enjoy some photos of Charlie and his band at Summerfest in 1972.
Please come join my Facebook page at Rich Zimmermann Photography and have a great week.
Rich Zimmermann